German Summer Courses for Juniors

In our summer courses, students from 70 different countries meet and learn together. You all have the same goal: Learning German and getting to know the country. Regardless of age, you can choose between general or intensive German courses in exciting cities and regions.


Course options

Standard Course

Age group:
8 - 17 years

Lessons per week:
20 x 45 minutes

Course levels:
A1 - C1

June, July, August

Minimum duration:
one week

Students per class:
approx. 10-15

Course description

  • Improve your German as you concentrate on the primary skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing
  • The main goal of the course will be speaking and the confident and fluent usage of the language.
  • Your teacher orients the instruction toward practice. This way you will always be learning the language in a creative context.
  • During instruction we pay particular attention to creating an exciting atmosphere in which you can "play" with the language.
  • The teachers incorporate short tests so you receive feedback on your language skill development.

Intensive Course

Age group:
8 -  17 years

Lessons per week:
24 x 45 minutes

Course levels:
A1 - C1

June, July, August

Minimum duration:
two weeks

Class size:
approx. 10-15 students

Course description

  • The Intensive Course expands upon the content of the Standard Course.
  • You have the opportunity to markedly improve your language competence.
  • Actively strengthen your communicative competence and improve your performance.
  • Already developed knowledge and skills will be stabilized, deepened and expanded.
  • Learn German in a fun, creative context in small groups.

Premium Course

Age group:
12 - 16 years

Lessons per week:
28 x 45 minutes

Course levels:
A1 - B2

June, July

Minimum duration:
two weeks

Class size:
approx. 10-15 students

Course description

  • The Premium Course expands upon the content of the Standard and Intensive Courses.
  • Concentrate exclusively on learning the language.
  • The quickest way to improve your German in the summer.
  • Experience maximum learning results thanks to the topics of focus in the afternoon premium modules.
  • Build vocabulary and grammar skills and make rapid progress
Find the right German Course!
Course Location Filter

Find the right German Course!

Our filter allows you to find the right city for your German course quickly and efficiently. Here you can find an overview of our exciting course locations, language courses and accommodation options in Germany and Austria.

Course information

Course Levels

Course Levels

Before your arrival, you will receive a personal link to complete an online placement test. This will determine your language level so that you can be placed in the appropriate class. The test consists of a written part. When complete, the test results will be evaluated and the teachers at the institute will divide the participants into classes. You will be informed at the school which course you should attend.



without prior
German knowledge


Beginners with
limited German


Participants with
good knowledge
of German


with very good
German knowledge

Teaching materials

Teaching materials

In our courses, we place great emphasis on a communicative, varied curriculum. These teaching methods may differ from those you are used to experiencing at home. We focus on the oral usage of the language so that you can practice and use German during your stay with us. Of course, there are also supplementary written exercises, especially right at the beginning. In these written exercises, we are not measuring how much is written. 

Currently we are using the following course materials (modifications possible):

  • Worksheets and Magazines
  • Audio and video materials
  • Games

Teaching materials included in course price.



The course schedule depends on the course type chose. The Standard Course meets each week Monday through Friday mornings beginning between 8:30 am and 9:00 am and ending around 12:30 pm. In between, there is a short break. The Intensive Course is held two afternoons per week. In the Premium Course, you have two additional classes Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Please note, the schedule may vary depending on course location.


09:00 - 12:30

Standard CourseStandard CourseStandard CourseStandard CourseStandardCourse

12:30 - 13:30

Lunch breakLunch breakLunch breakLunch breakLunch break

13:30 - 15:00

Premium CourseIntensive CoursePremium CourseIntensive Course 

Course Protocol

Course Protocol

So that all students can enjoy the course as much as possible, we ask that you adhere to the following rules:

  • Class begins punctual and attendance is required.
  • Please behave so as not to disturb other participants (i.e., turn off your cell phone).
  • Should you have comments and questions regarding your class, please speak directly with the teacher or the school's director.
  • At the end of your stay, you will receive a certificate showing your language level.
  • You have to master the Latin alphabet, as we offer only German courses, but not literacy courses.