Tips for Everyday

It is always exciting to travel to a new country and explore a new culture. If you have never been to Germany or Austria before, you might wonder sometimes about the quirks and peculiarities of the place. Here you can find helpful information about the life, country and people.


Tips for your stay in Germany

Destination Germany

Destination Germany

More and more people travel to Germany every year and want to discover and learn about the country and its regions. Our institute locations are ideally situated: Many special events take place here and there is so much to discover in the surrounding area.

Registration at the Resident Registration Office
Registration Requirement

Registration at the Resident Registration Office

In Germany there is a legal registration requirement if you stay in the country more than 3 months. Within 7 days of arrival you must go to the Resident Registration Office and register. Upon departure you must "unregister."

Registration Confirmation
Important document

Registration Confirmation

After you have registered, you will receive a registration confirmation (Meldebescheinigung). This allows you, for example, to open a bank account or buy a SIM card for your telephone or use the internet. If you are not an EU citizen you also need this registration confirmation to apply for a residence permit (Aufenthaltstitel) at the Foreign Registration Office (Ausländerbehörde).

Opening Times


Shopping hours in Germany may be different than in your home country. Stores are normally open the following times: In major cities Monday - Saturday, 9 am - 8 pm; in smaller cities they often close earlier. On Sundays and holidays all stores, with few exceptions, are closed.

Purchasing medication


You can recognize pharmacies in Germany by their red A (Apotheke) - here you can buy medications and prescription drugs. Pharmacies are typically open during normal business hours. Emergency pharmacies are open nights and Sundays.