telc Deutsch B1 German exam Hamburg

The telc Deutsch B1 German exam (also known as "Zertifikat Deutsch") certifies that you have completed the B1 level. At the B1 level you already master German in an independent way. telc certificates are internationally recognized and prove your learning success.

Examination dates and examination fee

Internal students and external participants can register for telc B1 German exams at did deutsch-institut Hamburg. The exam dates and exam fees for the telc Deutsch B1 exam can be found below:

MonthExamExam DateRegistration DeadlineExam Fee*
Januarytelc Deutsch B128.01.2025 (fully booked)14.01.2025190,- €
Februarytelc Deutsch B125.02.2025 (fully booked)11.02.2025190,- €
Marchtelc Deutsch B125.03.2025 (fully booked)11.03.2025190,- €
Apriltelc Deutsch B129.04.202510.04.2025190,- €
Maytelc Deutsch B127.05.202507.05.2025190,- €
Junetelc Deutsch B124.06.202510.06.2025190,- €
Julytelc Deutsch B129.07.202515.07.2025190,- €
Augusttelc Deutsch B126.08.202512.08.2025190,- €
Septembertelc Deutsch B123.09.202509.09.2025190,- €
Octobertelc Deutsch B128.10.202514.10.2025190,- €
Novembertelc Deutsch B125.11.202511.11.2025190,- €
Decembertelc Deutsch B116.12.202502.12.2025190,- €

Examination exempt from sales tax according to §4 No.21 a) bb) VAT. Internal students receive a discount of €25 on the examination fee if they are currently registered for a German course or have been within the last six months before the examination date.

Examination structure telc Deutsch B1

The exam consists of a written and an oral part. The written exam lasts 2 hours and 30 minutes. There is no break between parts. The oral exam lasts 35 to 40 minutes and includes 20 minutes of preparation. The oral exam is a pair exam and usually takes place with another participant. The oral examination usually takes place at the did deutsch-institut Hamburg on the same day. The parts of the exam are structured as follows:

Written examReading Comprehension
Language modules (vocabulary, grammar)
90 minutes
 Listening comprehension30 minutes
 Writing30 minutes
Oral examPreparation20 minutes
 Examination usually with one or two other participants15 - 20 minutes



Notes for participants

When will I receive my certificate?

After the exam, the exam documents are sent to telc gGmbH for correction. The results are available after approximately 4 to 5 weeks. As soon as the results are available, the participants will receive an email from us. The telc language certificate or the result sheet can then be picked up from did deutsch-institut Hamburg or sent to you by post or express mail for a fee.

When is the exam considered passed?

Participants who pass the exam (60% in written and 60% in oral expression) receive a certificate with the total number of points and a predicate (grade) on a scale from one to four (1 = very good, 2 = good, 3 = satisfactory, 4 = sufficient).

Participants who do not pass the exam or only partially pass it will receive a results sheet. You can have the passed part of the exam credited to a follow-up exam up to 12 months after the date of issue.

What do I have to consider on the day of the telc German B1 exam?

  • Please bring a soft pencil (feature HB), an eraser and a sharpener for the written exam.
  • Drinks are only allowed in transparent bottles WITHOUT A LABEL at the seat.
  • All other items (watches, jackets, mobile phones) must be handed in or turned off and handed in. We will keep them in the cloakroom for you until the end of the exam.
  • Please note that there is no break during the written exam, so use the time before the exam to go to the toilet.
  • Eating is not permitted during the exam.
  • Please be there on time for the identity check, participants who are not there on time cannot be admitted to the exam and will lose the exam fees paid
  • By taking the exam, you also accept the telc gGmbH exam regulations. You can find these under the following link: Examination regulations PDF
  • By taking part in the exam, you also accept the data protection declaration of telc gGmbH. You can find this under the following link: Privacy Policy telc

If I passed one part of the exam, must I retake the entire exam?

If you have not passed the exam, you can repeat it. If you have passed one part, you do not have to repeat the entire exam. telc exams consist of two parts:

- the written part and
- the oral part.

The exams must always be taken in full. You must therefore complete both parts of the exam.

You pass a part of the exam if you have achieved at least 60% of the points. To receive a certificate, you must have achieved 60% in both parts of the exam.

If you have not passed the exam, you can repeat it. If you have passed one part, you do not have to repeat the entire exam in some exam formats (telc B1, telc B2, telc C1 Hochschule). You only need to take the part of the exam that you did not pass. The part that you did pass can be credited.

Example: You passed the oral part of the telc B2 exam, but did not pass the written part. If you repeat the written part within 12 months, you can apply for the oral part that you have already passed to be credited. If you then pass the written part when you repeat the exam, you will receive a normal certificate as a result of the credit.

Important: In order to be credited, the partial exam must be repeated within twelve months of taking the first exam (date of issue of the results sheet).

Repeating individual subtests is not permitted. Credit is always given to the most recently achieved exam result.

Costs: Even if you repeat only a part of the exam, you need to pay the full exam fees at did deutsch-institut (telc B1: 190 € / telc B2: 190 € / telc C1 Hochschule: 215 €)

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